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The Most Underrated NFL Players

The nature of football is highly team-centric, arguably even more so than the other Big Four North America Sports. In baseball, a pitcher or batter can stand out for a time, and point and goal scorers can make names for themselves and take over games in basketball and...

The Most Common Offenses in Football

For as much as defensive players and coaches like to crow that “defense wins championships,” you won’t be winning anything if you can’t score. The best offenses in the NFL are and always have been based around superior strategy and talent, both of which are to be...

How Team Sports Benefit Kids

It is a well-worn idea that sports help make kids into team players, and teaches them some of life’s most important lesson. Here are just a few of those time-honored truths, and what they can teach your kids today. The Value of Teamwork No one makes it to the top by...

The Most Common Defenses in Football

It’s one of the most common refrains in professional sports, and it’s certainly true in the NFL – “Defense wins championships.” Let’s take a look at some of the most common (and effective) defenses in football. The 4-3 Defense This is basically Football Defense 101....